Biography Workshops & Training – AU Part 2
Module 2-1: Socialisation – Life Encounters and Relationships
Dependency, Independency, Interdependency – Anima and Animus
How are relationships formed and sustained, changed and dissolved? We consider the meaning of family experience, childhood and adolescent relationships, partnerships, friendships and collegial contacts. In reviewing developmental themes and social attitudes we aim to deepen our understanding of difficulties and possibilities that can arise. We will explore evolutionary-biological, socio-cultural, psychological-soul and spiritual perspectives to look at femininity and masculinity as qualities and polarities, and how they influence human relationships. The family is seen as the primal experience and mould for the life-theme “relationships”, which will be looked at through the window of “Dependency – Independency – Interdependency”. Further themes will be love, partnership, marriage and their development and meaning. We will also introduce ideas on developmental phases of relationships.
Please note
Module 2-1 consists of (1) distance learning material, (2) a weekend residential workshop plus (3) a training component for trainees doing the training programme.
You can participate just on the workshop without doing the training.
Training component, for trainees only: Fri 26/04/2019 (10am-5pm)